Well, here’s Thad Law (a multi talented man in his own right), here’s what he gotta say…
THAD: Well, my friend, I am doing quite well. We have all our ducks in a row for Nickstock 2024, and are planning to hit the bookings hard, for the two bands, starting February 2025 after NAMM. Thank you for asking!

So ya have two bands to promote today…Who are they and what are they about?
THAD: Yes, the band I have been working with the longest is Breaking the Law, which is a tribute to classic Judas Priest. We have a large catalogue, and I have found some of the best musicians and industry professionals I know, to help me. The lineup changes depending on where in the country we play. The act involves video support, which is synchronized to the music, and gives a full experience of the 80’s Priest nostalgia. Very cool. The newer band, Coloradicals, does punk covers, and we are based in Northern Colorado. This is a home grown bunch of rogues that live near me in Colorado, and we have turned it into a social club, where friends, family, and neighbors can come by the studio, and get rowdy with us.

You playing Nickstock with both bands. Could ya tell us more?
THAD: We are actually all traveling to Nickstock together, and everyone gets along really well. Each band will play a a set on both Friday the 19th, and Saturday the 20th of July. We really enjoy hanging out with all of our friends from Syracuse and such. We are going to have a couple of trailers near the stage at Nickstock, and anyone who goes, can hang with us, and get a free Coor’s beer, plus T-shirts and stickers.

Any gigs lined up after Nickstock?
THAD: Breaking the Law has a couple of other shows in Colorado this July as well, but we are really taking the time to get the 2025 calendar filled, starting with some shows with Nick at the Bow, and Universal Bar and Grille, in NOHO.

Who are your influences?
THAD: My biggest influences are the classic metal bands like Priest, Maiden, Sabbath, Whitesnake, Van Halen to name a few. Anything that is guitar rich, and with higher pitched vocals, as opposed to the lower growls. My parents got to listen to them all the time, as I practiced playing guitar in my bedroom during middle school years. My Coloradicals friends are all Army guys, who grew up on punk bands like Rancid, Bouncing Souls, and Pennywise. The energy and angst of the punks stuff has grown on me, and I had the opportunity to sing and play, which I am grateful for.

What makes you tick?
THAD: I am a complex creature, my friend, and my existence is equally complex. That would be hard to summarize, but probably the biggest common denominator is many layers of perpetual unsettled anxious drive, neurotic rituals, and worry about the future. I am a practicing physician, which definitely lends itself to this type of personality profile. I am very proud of my accomplishments in medicine, and will continue to practice for many years. Working, traveling, and playing with bands is a good way to offset the stress of that life, and it shares the burden of keeping me busy, active, and engaged in something mentally stimulating. The tough part is switching from one to the other quickly, as they draw very different bandwidths of effort.

Recording anything with Coloradicals?
THAD: Not in the true sense. We have our practice studio set up for live video shoots, which we will use for local promotion, and the audio is not too bad.

Who the hell is Mrs. Valdez?
THAD: I was hoping that she would be the booking agent, that I have always dreamed of. I am looking for someone who can help me with next year’s calendar, and who can work with venues in multiple states.

Any last word for our readers?
THAD: Just that I am really looking forward to spending a couple days in Norwich NY for Nickstock, and catching up with those folks that I get to see once a year. If you get the opportunity to come out, please consider it. These are two awesome bands, and it will be a great time. Otherwise, keep your eyes peeled for Breaking the Law and Coloradicals!