I’m here in Long Beach at Belmont Heights Tattoo Boutique with the band Heavenly Trip To Hell and I’m excited to finally get to talk about the new single and music video “Millions of Flowers”. The video is amazing and the song really kicks ass. We need to talk about the video, who made it, and who’s idea was it. But first, can the band please introduce themselves?
GC/Heavenly Trip To Hell is Gerardo Christ on vocals, Sergio Natas on bass guitar and back up vocals, Vicky Viciouss on Keyboards and back up vocals, Kurt Thompson on lead guitar, Jose Soto on drums and Frank Transers on rythm guitar.
EJ / Gerardo Christ can you tell us a little bit about “Millions of Flowers”?
GC / The song was recorded at Fuel Music Studio by Addassi Addassi and, for me, it was an amazing experience. “Million of Flowers” is a song about real life situations and experiences, but I’m sure Sergio can tell you better. He can tell you about the video and who made it and the inspiration behind it.
EJ/ Sergio Natas can you tell me about the music video and the concept of it? And how was the writing process and recording of “Millions of Flowers”?
SN/Jesse Jacobellis is the director and creator of the music video . Jesse is a phenomenally talented multi media artist who lended his artistic talent and vision, helping to bring the images you see in the video to life.The main idea for the video was conceived from our band logo Xochipilli the aztec god of music, dance and flowers. I wanted to see the lyrics of the song “Millions of Flowers” brought to life in the music video. I suggested some of the imagery in the video and Jesse went through the roof.The writing process for “Millions of Flowers” was very organic, upbeat and natural. We try not to push things or musical ideas which are not meant to happen. For me, the music we create needs to make me escape reality and feel emotion.I know we are on the right path when we play and this happens. This song started from Vicky’s synthesizer hooks and adding simple guitar.The music ideas quickly were embedded and we continued to structure the song in HTTH fashion . The lyrics take on a dark subject matter inspired by the untimely death of loved ones , mythology and our ancestral heritage.The recording process was very straight forward and to the point if I recall. There was no need for anything special or studio magic. Addassi at Fuel Music studios produced the song and is one of the best producers in Southern California. If your shit sucks, he’ll tell you “ it’s no good “ and make you rewrite your song on the spot . You have to appreciate this type of sincerity.
EJ/Vicky Viciouss can you tell us about “Millions of Flowers” and the creative and writing process of writing new music.
VV/ I am the keyboard player for Heavenly Trip To Hell. I love going into the studio to create music with the band. Writting music is exciting to me. It makes me feel alive and energized. Millions of Flowers talks about the loss of loved ones and the reality that death is coming for all of us. It’s a wake up call that we need to accept death and enjoy every single day of this life because as the lyrics say “all these flowers won’t bring you back.” The creative and writing process of writing new music has become like second nature to me. I am surrounded by some very talented musicians in the band and it’s really cool to have the freedom to do whatever we want. We pretty much jam in the studio and then start writing the music as we go. We don’t try to overthink it. We try to keep it as simple as possible. The end result is always music that drives us.
EJ/ Kurt can you tell me about playing guitar in Heavenly Trip To Hell, and what’s new?
KT/ I feel like “Millions of Flowers” is a kick ass song and the guitars kick fucken ass. Thank you to Addassi at Fuel Music Studios and the band for always rocking. We’re ready to take over the world….
EJ/ Frank Transers how is playing in Heavenly Trip To Hell since you are the newest member?
FT/ Well I love playing in the band and making music that I love. We play music we like we don’t give a fuck what’s popular. The band just loves to play and I need that . Music saved my life…
EJ/ Jose what do you see in the future for the band with this new single “Million of Flowers”?
JS/ We are having our video release party at Dipiazza’s on Friday November 8th. The address is 5205 Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach, CA 90804.
It’s going to be an epic party. I believe the new song is super strong and we are ready to tour the world. I am excited for our future.
EJ/ Well, this is Electric Jihad with Lost Anarchy and our leader Mojo El Diablo telling you that the new single “Million of Flowers” is an amazing song with an equally amazing video out November 8th 2024 on all platforms so check it out.